
Mastering Road Manager

Training Videos

Explore our comprehensive Traffic Control Planning Training Videos, designed to equip you with essential knowledge and skills for efficient and safe traffic management. Learn the fundamentals, best practices, and strategies to ensure smooth-flowing roadways and enhance traffic control expertise.

Road Manager Powered by Google Maps

Road Manager Navigation Basics

Road Manager Share with Link

Road Manager Snap to Road

Keyboard Shortcuts

Road Manager Training Video 2021

Custom Task Box

Road Manager – The Background to Development

Drawing Screen

1. Search for a location

Enter the location you want to start drawing on the map or turn the map off and start drawing on a blank canvas.

Use the search bar to search select and open a plan that has already been created.

2. Tools & Signs

Use tools and signs to draw anywhere on the map. Signs will be generated from the location you are drawing on the map.

3. Layers

Objects and signs placed on the map are automatically layered over the map but can be changed to manual selection. Objects can be moved, dleted, locked, hidden, edited and located from the layer list.

4. Tool bar tools

Use tool bar tools to select and manipulate objects on the map. Access your task box, inventory and set default view for your plan so it opens at the set location every time. Set print regions and print plans.

5. Title your plan & allocate to a folder

Name your plan and add to a new folder or save in a folder already created. Plan will save as ‘Untitled Plan’ if you do not rename your plan. Plans will auto save once you start drawing on the map.

6. Naming your plan

When naming your plan you can add additional signage from other regions, add information to your task box specific to the plan and add execution dates.

7. File structure and saved plans

Navigate back to your file structure to manage, print or move groups of plans in folders. Upload files to your folders to go with your plans.

8. Settings

Manage user settings, billing information and add custom settings to be used in your plans.

9. New plans

Add a new ‘Untitled plan’. Plans automatically save in your file structure list outside of all folders until you move/name and allocate to a folder.

My Plans Screen

1. Search for plans

Find your folders and plans in My Plans. View All Plans in one location or search for plans and folders in the search bar at the top.

2. Add plans and files

Quick Draw takes you straight to the drawing screen. Add a folder or plan in your file structure. Save multi format files with your plans to download later.

3. Edit/Print/Copy/Move and Delete plans and files

Highlight the relevant plan, folder or file with tickbox to enable these tools. Edit, print or copy your plan or folder. Move files to or from folders. Remove items to the trash where they will stay until you clear the trash. Files can be moved from trash back to folders.

4. Preview your folders and plan locations

Select the relevant tick box and preview the location of your plans within the folder. Select the folder name to open and view plan list. Press ‘i’ to open and close preview window.

5. Preview your plans without opening

Select the relevant tick box and preview your plan in the preview window. View other information relevant to the plan. Press ‘i’ to open and close preview window.

6. Access user settings

Access account information, custom settings and update payment details. Manage your account users and external invitations.

7. Access shared organisations

When an organisation has added you to view or edit their plans, through the settings, you will find them in the dropdown list.

8. Logout

Logout of Road Manager.

User Guides

Full Road Manager User Guide

Adding External Layers Guide

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • ‘right mouse click’ off all objects, will deselect everything selected at the time
  • ‘right mouse click’ on active vertices of a line or polygon to delete single vertices (the dots on lines)
  • ‘hold shift’ whilst drawing = snap to other objects
  • Windows – ‘Ctrl + C’ or macOS – ‘Cmd + C’ = Copy
  • Windows – ‘Ctrl + V’ or macOS – ‘Cmd + V’ = Paste
  • Windows – ‘Hold Ctrl + left mouse click objects’ or macOS – ‘Hold Cmd + left mouse click objects’ = Allows for multiple select of objects
  • Hold down the ‘Alt’ key, whilst using the 45 degree rotate tool with multiple objects selected, to rotate objects on their own centre


Traffic Management Plan

Variable Message Signs


+61 2 9548 6120

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